We Heard from You at Dot Day!

We Heard From You!

Thank you to everyone who participated in IHEPO Dot Day!  We had a fantastic turnout.  Here is the data and  pictures of the posters after all the dots were added. We wanted to share this information with you as a part of our ongoing belief in transparency and honesty.  We know how frustrated you were when the results of other negotiation surveys from this year were not shared.

Advance to Proper Step Immediately:                                       Health Insurance Maximum Out of Pocket
1st priority: 63%                                                                       $500 each year for two years:
2nd priority: 15%                                                                       1st priority: 34%
3rd priority: 5%                                                                         2nd priority: 46%
                                                                                                 3rd priority: 18%
Graduated Step Increase;
 (2 steps first year, 2 steps second year)                                    Health Insurance Maximum Out of Pocket
1st priority: 10%                                                                        $1,000 for each year of two years:
2nd priority: 8%                                                                         3rd priority:  2%

Base Salary Increase 2.5% each of 3 years:                               Performance Pay Linked to Evaluation
1st priority: 17%                                                                        No Link to Evaluation:
2nd priority: 33%                                                                       1st priority:  15%
3rd priority: 7%                                                                          2nd priority: 8%
4th priority: 9%                                                                          3rd priority: 19%
                                                                                                  4th priority: 12%
Base Salary Increase 2.0% each of 3 years:
1st priority: 12%                                                                       Performance Pay Linked to Evaluation
2nd priority: 12%                                                                      Linked with Accomplished and Skilled at
3rd priority: 3%                                                                               the Same Increase:
4th priority: 4%                                                                         1st priority: 0%
                                                                                                 2nd priority: 3%
Base Salary Increase 1.5 % each of 3 years:                              3rd priority: 19%
1st priority: 0%                                                                          4th priority: 22%
2nd priority:  0%
3rd priority: 4%                                                                        Bonus for all employees if we reach an
4th priority: 3%                                                                                "Excellent" rating:  3% (written in)

** Implied elements of the contract are continued step movement, a three year contract, 403 rollover at retirement and a retroactive contract.

Key:  Teachers were given one red dot and other colors of dots to mark their negotiating priorities.  The red dots were put on areas that were first priorities.  The other dots showed lesser, but still important, priorities.  Obviously, reinstatement of steps was the overall highest priority.