Representative Council Meeting January 5, 2015

JANUARY 5, 2014
Attending:  A. Kuhn, E. Ruebuesch, J. Huncsche, M. Carr, J. Slonim, T. Millard, C. Conway, M. Richardson, T. Mullenax, A. Bohn, J. Oden, H. Smith, J. Pfeiffer
I.    Dates
  A. Board Meeting on Tuesday, January 13 will be attended by Cherita, John and Anne.
  B. United Way Presentation on Tuesday, January 27 from 7 – 8:30 pm for parents
United Way Presentation on Wednesday, January 28 during Block B in HS
The IH Foundation is publicizing this.

II.   Financial Report (Janine) 
a.     See addendum; Balance:  $33,602.18
b.     Recent Expenditures 
a.     luncheons in each school
b.     all went well, well received
c.      One attorney invoice:  $60

III.  Dot Day Preparations for IHEPO Breakfast on Friday, February 13 (7:30 – 8:15)
a.     What do we want our role to be?  What do we offer our membership?
a.     Positive professional environment
b.     Opportunity to socially gather as an organization should not be downplayed
c.      Separation of political agenda from professional responsibilities
                                                              i.      Freedom to individually become involved with issues without financial ties to organization dues
d.     Continued emphasis on blog to encourage professional awareness (submit email at blog to get updates on new blog posts)
e.      Networking opportunities…handyman list; making connections with other professionals (in the works)

b.     For larger perspective
a.     Share Sycamore’s recent results
b.     Share Madeira Study
c.      End of deductions in 3 pay periods

c.      Dot Day as part of Breakfast? Or two events?
a.     Keep as one event
b.     Invite all staff, member and non-member

d.      Issues to include on dot boards?
a.     Anne reviewed list of activities/accomplishments from year (addendum)
b.     Generate resume from which we create Dot topics (projected at breakfast)
c.      Posters to include ideas from building email survey asking for input:
                                                              i.      Jenn Oden  PS
                                                            ii.      Terry Mullenax ES
                                                          iii.      Melanie/Hilary  MS
                                                         iv.      Anne HS
                                                           v.      Julie to make posters and get dots
d.     Topics discussed by council:  Reduced dues, Community outreach idea, Professional Development ideas (PARCC support), options for Membership in online professional community like ASCD, Tutor/Mentor program for kids needing support
                                                              i.      MS has late bus for “Structured Homework time”
e.      Who will speak?
                                                              i.      Melanie to Welcome
                                                            ii.      Janine to share financial story
                                                          iii.      Mark:  Job Share exploration/Stump the Chump
                                                         iv.      Hilary:  Improved Professional Relationships with Administration
                                                           v.      Terry:  communications
                                                         vi.      John:  Internal Sub pay accomplishment, need to avoid complacency
                                                       vii.      Cody:  address larger educational agenda, add perspective as former OEA nonmember vs. new IHEPO member

f.       How will this happen?
                                                              i.      Email invites staff members to contribute ideas for moving forward as an organization.
                                                            ii.      Buildings group ideas into categories
                                                          iii.      Julie makes posters and gets dots
                                                         iv.      At breakfast, council members share perspectives
                                                           v.      Faculty invited to place dots by categories of importance
1.        Each teacher receives 3 dots of one color, each building assigned a different color
2.      Teachers can prioritize by placing as many dots as they choose into a category.  If one category is extremely important, it gets all the dots, or split them up.

IV.  Concerns from Buildings
    HS:  (Tom Millard):  drug related deaths of students…a community concern…need for discussion with students and parents
          a.  Narcotics anonymous is good for language on how to speak to those suspected of drug use.
          b.   approaching PTO; Dr. Miles
          c.  toolkit for teachers, training for educators, help knowing what to say. 
          d.  Recognize the power of the teacher relationship in having impact with students making dangerous choices.
V.   Concerns/Updates from Committees
VI.  Other items