Representative Council Meeting August 18, 2014

Representative Council Meeting
August 18, 2014
In attendance:  Anne Kuhn, Janine Hunsche, Cody Conway, Tom Millard, John Slonim, Cherita Townsend, Nick Carpenter, Hilary Smith, Melanie Carr, Vera Hayslip, Terry Mullenax, Mark Richardson, Alice Bohn, Amy Campa, Jenn Oden, Julie Pfeiffer

·         John Concannon sent first bill, Janine requested an itemized bill.  In so doing, an error was found.  Clerk had charged his usual rate.  Invoice since adjusted to $200/hour, in addition to $400/mo for unlimited calls/emails.
·         JP distributed survey for input on branding words to contribute to design of logo for IHEPO
·         AK circulated sign up for slot as rep at School Board meetings
·         Monthly meeting schedule for Representative Council (RC):  next meeting will be Sept. 8, 4:00, Rm 105 ES.   After that first Monday of every month Terry's room, posted on blog.  All are welcome, but if voting, only the Representative Council
·         Need to get blog address out there, with logo:  signage in lounges, Twitter and Facebook, twitter handle is @indianhillepo.
·         Membership is currently 155.  Approaching 90 (89%) Enrollment dues: checks by Sept 1,  $355 made out to IHEPO, or it will be assumed that member wants payroll deduction.
·          First deduction will have to wait until after lump sum distribution.
·         Andrea Brady has posted article on website, reaching out to Channels 5,9,12 for additional coverage possibility.
·         Committees formation: 
o   Forward articles to Terry for the blog.
§  Illinois latest to drop Common Core
§   Hearings next two days in Ohio
·         Public relations committee:  Community Connections Committee...working first on PTO membership. Forward all ideas to Kim Given or Lisa Harris
·         Other committee:  Social Committee. To help school climate.  Improving the visual climate, social climate of buildings.  
o   We used to have a retiree social for assoc. 
o   How about a lump sum party?  Avoid a home game(admin can't come).
o   Faculty section at basketball game...teachers stand up for any student you had when team announced,
o   Jeans day for scholarship, maybe a fundraiser for each building: camp, giving tree, senior trip, byo? (Foundation takes care of that)
o   Anne will get lump sum date to pick a Friday in Sept. for party; include board and admin.
· at Janine's is by invitation...rep council/admin/movers/shakers
·         In spring, Dr. Miles and Anne talked about 403bs...has go ahead. 
o   Charles Schwab rep is willing to come in for Informational Meeting
o   In lieu of showing six figures on public document of salary schedule, next option might be employer matching of contribution in a 403b
o    Longevity bonus gone and will stay gone...could be seen as the extra steps being added to schedule. 
o   Very few teachers take advantage of this (403b) now...need education on advantages.

o   We have Aspire:  can put money in Fidelity or Vanguard or T. Rowe price, very low fees.