Representative Council Meeting Notes March 2. 2015

MARCH 2, 2014 at 4 pm
Attending:  J. Slonim, T. Mullenax, M. Richardson, A. Campa, E. Ruebusch, A.Kuhn,
J. Hunsche, T. Millard, J. Pfeiffer, H. Smith, N. Carpenter, M. Carr, C. Conway

I.                    Board Meeting on Tuesday, March 10 will be attended by Mark, Amy and Anne.

II.                 Presentation on Warning Signs of Drug Abuse; March 12, 3-4 pm; MS.

III.               Financial Report (Janine)  See addendum

IV.              Luncheon/Fundraiser ideas
a.     Maybe “Central Parcc” idea…celebrating making it to half-way
b.     Keep thinking of ideas…each building have a plan for this semester.

V.                Dr. Miles will join us at 4:20  Blue text reflects Dr. Miles’ responses.
a.     Hilary:  shared attribution…could we move toward that even if the state does not go that way?  SLO vs. Standardized Testing causes conflict among staff and internally with regard to where priorities lie.
                                                              i.      Pick what’s best for the kid always…slo/growth measures should be secondary
1.        When deciding where to devote time/resources the decision point is in the best interest of the learner.
2.      I believe our kids and our staff will take on the task of testing from an authentic place.

b.      Terry:  What is the thinking behind the “are we happy” survey?
                                                              i.      We have consistently used the Progess survey.
                                                            ii.      Nominated by a staff member to earn the “Great Place to Work” banner
                                                          iii.      We will get a basic feedback report…similar information to the Are We Making Progress survey.
                                                         iv.      If recognized, supports our recruiting efforts

c.      Ruebusch:  parameters for delays?
                                                              i.      Data since 1994
1.        Last year first time ever closing for cold
2.      Real temp -1 to -10=delay, beyond -10= closed
3.      Wind chill -10= delay; -20 sustained for day= cancellation
4.     All buses were ready to go…
5.      Use variety of sources…media hype considered
6.     Open to hearing about inconsistency
a.     Last year was unprecedented, and we were not as prepared for extreme cold as we are now, given some experience.
7.      Staff member travel is a consideration
8.      Staff appreciate the night before call.
9.     Delay call for temp, will typically come the night before.  Snow, we wait for confirmation of inclement weather.

d.     Kuhn:  more professional development vs. Late start/early release?
                                                              i.      Late Start/Early Release: not a parent favorite
                                                            ii.      Not the most productive energy level
                                                          iii.      Full day PD is the most beneficial
                                                         iv.      Proposed calendar with extra PD day has had first reading, needs public reading (added day to Labor Day weekend), It is removing a day of instruction from children…does the value match?  Is the timing right?
                                                           v.      Comparison info with neighboring districts?
                                                         vi.      Any one open to speaking at Board meeting to inform board members as the value from our perspective?
                                                       vii.      Teacher voices at the board meeting have great power.

e.      Millard:  any sense (superintendent level) on tone of PARCC expectations?
                                                              i.      Many are discouraged/frustrated.
                                                            ii.      We need to be careful about bashing Public Ed and legislative mandates and ODE decisions.  Parents in our community can pull out for other educational options.
                                                          iii.      There are so many distractions from our purpose.
                                                         iv.      Direction is coming from Governor’s Office, presidential aspirations.  From the outside looks innovative, without regard for what’s best for learners.  Tale of unintended consequences.

VI.              Reflections on Mid-Year Breakfast
          A.  Rotate location
                                                              i.      Host in every building
                  B. Dotting seemed to be well received by the membership
          C.  PowerPoint?  Well received
             D.  Speakers?  Enough, thorough
     E.   Prizes?
               i.  Highlight!
               ii.  Successful global initiative
VII.           How to proceed with Dot Day results?
a.     High count for HS/MS: faculty bringing children to IH
                                                              i.      Doesn’t seem to be a roadblock type of issue, Kim Lewis open to conversation
b.     High count for PS/ES:  more PD
c.      Tuition reimbursement increase?
                                                              i.      Other districts have a max cap shared by all employees.
d.     Sick leave accumulation comparison to other districts (see addendum)
VII. Concerns from Buildings
VIII.         Concerns/Updates from Committees
a.     Is the substitute issue improving?
                                                              i.      Absence number not decreasing, but not as many concerns about coverage
b.     Polo shirts
                                                              i.      Lightbulb is cost prohibitive.
                                                            ii.      Simple IHEPO on collared shirt = $22